Why Answer Genie?

Answer Genie is the go-to platform for over one million people worldwide. We get over 10,000+ new queries everyday along with 5000+ unique visitors a day.

We are always on the lookout for a great affiliate marketer who can bring new and unique visitors to our website from a different part of the world. We have multiple categories so that everyone has something to offer and collect great payouts!

Earn up to $15 per sale​

Payouts range from $3 – $15 per sale*. With our high-converting chat assistant, you could earn thousands per month!​

Customized for your site

Choose the right category for your visitors to connect them with motivated problem solvers from computers, travel experts, accountants and more!

Delight your visitors

Help your visitors solve problems quickly and affordably. They’ll save time & money over in-person services – and love you for it!​​​

Our top-performing chat widgets

We have a good traffic on all of our six expert domains. However, at the moment we have the most traffic over our Technology domains and travel domain; namely Computer – Software and hardware , Internet and security and travel reservations.

Have a question about the affiliate program?

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