Technology is fast and evolving at an unmatched pace. Everything is digitalized and constantly getting changed. This change brings about a paradox whether it’s complicating the world further or making things easy with a one click policy.

We bring to you, Answer Genie, to turn this paradox around. A one click solution; a finger to grasp on; manoeuvring you through this new world.

Baby boomers across the globe are embracing technology. They have the money to buy and enjoy it. They just require a simple push and a little guidance. Answer Genie aims to offer that. We have solutions to all big and small problems. We foresee a world where all people regardless of age are well equipped to use technology; the fundamental unit of any activity in the world today.

From activities like how to make a Facebook account to queries on hardware we answer anything and everything instantly. We seek to empower the baby boomers through our LIVE assistance.
Let us take you through their journey and how they are so well integrated into the digital world.

⦁ 60% of people in the 50 – 64 year age group, which is most of the boomer population, are now on at least one social media site. Facebook is by far the most popular social media site for baby boomers.

⦁ About 60% of baby boomers spend time reading blogs and online articles as a source of information and intrigue, and about 70% enjoy watching videos about products and services.

⦁ Baby boomers spend 27 hours per week online, which is two hours more per week than those who are between 16 and 34

⦁ Baby Boomers are 19% more likely to share content compared to any other generation.

⦁ Videos that are slower paced and have a great deal of information are more likely to appeal to Baby Boomers than faster-paced videos with too many visuals

⦁ It might surprise you to learn that 96% of baby boomers use search engines, 95% use email, and 92% shop for products and services online rather than shopping in stores and shopping malls
So if you belong to this section you need Answer Genie. We have your back and the sky is your limit. Age is no bar to be tech savvy and it’s never too late.

So if you belong to this section you need Answer Genie. We have your back and the sky is your limit. Age is no bar to be tech savvy and it’s never too late.

Answer Genie helps you from scratch and is your companion in everything you try.

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